Monday, May 30, 2016


Maybe not as big of crowd as the Indianapolis 500 but none the less just as enthusiastic were the participants in the first CSLOA sponsored bike parade held today at 11:00 AM. Some of the bikers got a little out of control going down a slight hill and then needed an extra push going uphill! Ice cream rewards made it all worthwhile! Thanks CSLOA board members.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


The summer water testing programs have begun. Each month, Cordry Lake resident Quinn Heatherington and Sweetwater Lake resident Dave Jarrett take water samples and prepare them for the Indiana Clean Lakes program centered at Indiana University. The samples are primarily tested for phosphorus and other ingredients for a year end report to each lake community. In addition we test the clarity of the water several times each month for the same year-end report. Recent clarity tests showed Sweetwater at 18 feet and Cordry at 17 feet. The tests encompass the four months of May, June, July, and August. 2015 results are available on line or at Sweetwater Realty.