Several times each month, a black and white Secchi Disk is lowered into both Cordry and Sweetwater Lakes to test water clarity. The depth at which the disc can still be seen is recorded and sent to On August 24th, Quinn Hetherington recorded a 22 foot depth on Cordry Lake and on the same date, I recorded a 24 foot depth on Sweetwater Lake. This is the best reading that I've witnessed in the 2 years that I've been involved with the project.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Several times each month, a black and white Secchi Disk is lowered into both Cordry and Sweetwater Lakes to test water clarity. The depth at which the disc can still be seen is recorded and sent to On August 24th, Quinn Hetherington recorded a 22 foot depth on Cordry Lake and on the same date, I recorded a 24 foot depth on Sweetwater Lake. This is the best reading that I've witnessed in the 2 years that I've been involved with the project.